lundi 8 décembre 2008

Blur for my fan

Blur for my fan - Arduino / flash
envoyé par jeremie_biron

Here is a movie which show the control of the fan with an online flash application.
It will allow user to "blow on me" thank to his microphone.

Here is the user webpage fan control :

technical device :
microhphone -> flash online -> txt <- local flash <- proxi <- arduino <- fan

lundi 1 décembre 2008

Interface mock-up

I achieved the mock-up of user interface :
(you may click on images to enlarge)

Here is global global view with controllers (sound/electrostimulation/color atmospher/fan), and the view of the "dreamer".
You can also see the colored brain where dreams appear.

There is the "dream part", where you can see "influed dreams" of the sleeper.
Like you probably know, our brain is composed of two parts : logic and imaginative. That's why I choosed to have two wat to see thoses dreams. The first will be sort by time and the second will be more "chaotic" and user will have to frisk on the brain to find random dreams.

Finally, this is the sound part, with mouse animations.