dimanche 16 novembre 2008

Functional internet interaction (arduino)

Now it's possible for me to receive datas from internet ( from every body).

There is two differents tests :

The first one is calling a database with flash and get some troubles during acting.
(webpage -> database <- local flash -> proxi -> arduino)

The second one is better. I deleted the database to use an online .txt file edited by php.
In addition I get a multi-outputs application and a graphical interface.

(webpage -> txt <- local flash -> proxi -> arduino)

3 commentaires:

G a dit…

Yo Jerem
héhé les erreurs dans flash

bonne chance pour la suite du projet ;-)

G a dit…

Au fait AS2 ou AS3 ?

Turiya a dit…

AS 2 ;)
Oui mais les erreurs n'existent plus dans la seconde version ! :o